Lunio Menyn - Buttersculpture

Dmya chi! O Beuys i Gymru.
Dechrewch a bod (yn) creadigol.

Ty Haf

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Duchy Organics is a company which The Prince of Wales (aka Prince Charles) set up in 1990, principally to sell organic food products.  Since then, it has become established as a leading organic and natural food brand.  In 2010 the brand went into partnership with Waitrose.

In 2010 Waitrose opened its only store in North Wales.The store at Menai Bridge on Anglesey was opened only shortly before Prince William and Kate Middleton moved to the North Welsh Island for William to serve his Royal Air Force Service.

In 1919, the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), visited the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A comfortable journey thanks to the royal train that got him a non-rocky ride. The ride on royal horse backs following the train allowed herds of bison and elk to view the spectacle of a Prince of Wales on a horse. Some of the bison were able to report sut cafodd Edward groeso gan y Stoney-Nakoda First Nation. Chief Little Thunder had been taught how to address the royal visitor and had no other choice but to “beg” him to “allow” that the Stoney-Nakoda First Nation in the Rocky Mountains elect the Prince of Wales as their Chief. This exercise in colonial obedience however gained subversive momentum with the gift handed to the Prince of Wales, now named Chief Morning Star. The Indian suit you can were, as Chief Little Thunder phrased it,  “emblematic of the clothes we wore in happy days”. The past tense he used was not nostalgia but political empowerment, as the Prince of Wales, forced to follow the protocol of hospitality, had to fully dress, and by doing so embody the colonial Empire that caused the happy days to be of the past.  The Prince of Wales’ rhetorical effort to regain diplomatic sovereignty, by expressing his gratitude for the honour bestowed on him, was not of success, as the herds of bison and elk later reported. If the audience does not bestow you with believe in your performative utterance, and utterance is all that honour is, your utterance did not happen and your day is unhappy.

In 1924 and 1925, Wembley hosted the British Empire Exhibition. The Canada Pavilion was remembered for displaying a butter sculpture of the then Prince of Wales. Thanks to the advanced refrigerating technology, spectators – among them neither bison nor elk – were able to admire a lifesize but buttery Prince of Wales dressed in this First Nation suit...

References to other Boys of and in Art (&) History are unavoidable, unintentional and due but unrelated to the Celtic. At least for this art work. On the other had. Everything is in flux not only meltdown butter. Its afonydd however connects to icelandic mold and welsh gold.

Tŷ Haf

Cemlyn Mis Gorffennaf 2022